왕국의 수호자들 (Defenders of the Realm) 확팩 작업 준비중
2015. 3. 8. 22:17
Defenders of the Realm: Dragon Expansion
Defenders of the Realm: Hero Expansion 1
Defenders of the Realm: Hero Expansion 2
Defenders of the Realm: Hero Expansion 3
Defenders of the Realm: Alternate Generals Expansion
Defenders of the Realm: Minion Expansion: Demons
Defenders of the Realm: Minion Expansion: Dragonkin
Defenders of the Realm: Minion Expansion: Orcs
Defenders of the Realm: Minion Expansion: Undead
Defenders of the Realm: Hero Expansion 1
Defenders of the Realm: Hero Expansion 2
Defenders of the Realm: Hero Expansion 3
Defenders of the Realm: Alternate Generals Expansion
Defenders of the Realm: Minion Expansion: Demons
Defenders of the Realm: Minion Expansion: Dragonkin
Defenders of the Realm: Minion Expansion: Orcs
Defenders of the Realm: Minion Expansion: Undead
위에 것들 작업을 하기 위해 준비중이긴 한데. 용확팩의 경우 예전에 구입하려다가 미뤄뒀더니만 절판이 되버리는 바람에 현재로서는 스킵
(제작사 가보니 올해 재판된다는 소식이 있어서 나중에나 작업이 가능할껄로)
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