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도스군의 잡동사니
아캄호러의 확팩 던위치호러 2006년 3월 발매 예정. 본문
지난주에 긱에 등록된 정보를 검색하던 도중
오호라.. 설마설마 했던 아캄호러의 확팩 던위치오러 등장. @,@a
아래의 내용은 디자이너의 코멘트
An expansion for the FFG version of Arkham Horror.
Kevin Wilson, the designer, comments:
"The expansion is big. We had a lot of ideas we wanted to pack into it. There are around 330 cards, a small sub-board, a bunch of new monsters and such, 8 investigators, and 4 ancient ones. I don't want to go into too much detail this early, but the expansion will expand the location decks from 7 cards each to 14 cards each. Some encounters are repeated in the new set to keep from changing the odds of finding them, but the vast majority are new.
Also, the expansion will introduce mythos cards with "gate surges" on them. These work like normal gate openings except that they'll blow open a sealed gate, although the doom track does not advance when that happens. The more common a gate locations is in the mythos deck, the more gate surge cards it will have lurking in wait for it.
And yes, you'll be able to fight the Dunwich Horror. You won't want to, but if you let it sit around after it enters play, you'll be sorry...."
뭐 대충 보아하니. 이번에도 상당한 텍스트의 압박이 예상되는 바이다.. ㅎㅎ
카드가 330장에 조사자 8명 추가에 고대신 4마리 추가.
기본판에는 지역카드가 너무 적다 생각했는데 역시나 확팩에서는 각 지역별로 7장씩 추가.
그외에도 새로운 몬스터들 추가 되고, 신화(스토리) 카드에도 특수한 카드들이 추가되는군요.
FFG 사이트 가보니. 2006년 3월에 출시예정으로 되어있군요.. 부디 재때 발매되길 기대해볼 뿐입니다.
오호라.. 설마설마 했던 아캄호러의 확팩 던위치오러 등장. @,@a
아래의 내용은 디자이너의 코멘트
An expansion for the FFG version of Arkham Horror.
Kevin Wilson, the designer, comments:
"The expansion is big. We had a lot of ideas we wanted to pack into it. There are around 330 cards, a small sub-board, a bunch of new monsters and such, 8 investigators, and 4 ancient ones. I don't want to go into too much detail this early, but the expansion will expand the location decks from 7 cards each to 14 cards each. Some encounters are repeated in the new set to keep from changing the odds of finding them, but the vast majority are new.
Also, the expansion will introduce mythos cards with "gate surges" on them. These work like normal gate openings except that they'll blow open a sealed gate, although the doom track does not advance when that happens. The more common a gate locations is in the mythos deck, the more gate surge cards it will have lurking in wait for it.
And yes, you'll be able to fight the Dunwich Horror. You won't want to, but if you let it sit around after it enters play, you'll be sorry...."
뭐 대충 보아하니. 이번에도 상당한 텍스트의 압박이 예상되는 바이다.. ㅎㅎ
카드가 330장에 조사자 8명 추가에 고대신 4마리 추가.
기본판에는 지역카드가 너무 적다 생각했는데 역시나 확팩에서는 각 지역별로 7장씩 추가.
그외에도 새로운 몬스터들 추가 되고, 신화(스토리) 카드에도 특수한 카드들이 추가되는군요.
FFG 사이트 가보니. 2006년 3월에 출시예정으로 되어있군요.. 부디 재때 발매되길 기대해볼 뿐입니다.
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