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- 블로그 - 버그보이님
- 블로그 - 낙서님 (PSP)
- 사이트 - 다이브다이스
- 블로그 - 비형스라블님
- 블로그 - 푸른소리님
- 사이트 - 보드게임뉴스
- 사이트 - 보드게임긱
- 블로그 - 러브홀릭님
- 블로그 - 조쉬베켓님
- 사이트 - 놀마루(류님)
- 블로그 - 리클러스님
- 카페 - 던저니어
- 카페 - 몬스터헌터 헌터즈
- 블로그 - 울펜님
- 블로그 - dlwodnr님
- 블로그 - 조쉬베켓님
- 블로그 - 포유님
- 사이트 - 키보드매니아
- 사이트 - 오방넷
- 사이트 - 보드피아
- 블로그 - GT님
도스군의 잡동사니
코즈믹 아이덱스 (Cosmic Eidex) 한글화 작업 진행중. 본문
카드는 총 36장!!! 3인 전용 트릭테이킹 게임 이죠.
뭐 기본게임에서는 캐릭터 카드를 사용안해도 되지만. 이게 또 그냥 놔두기 뭐하다 보니 작업을 ㅡ,.ㅡa
캐릭터 카드란것이. 게임에 사용되는 36장의 카드 전부가 캐릭터라는점 ㅠ.ㅠ
뭐 룰이야. 수호이님 블로그에서 보실수 있으니. ^^; 영문룰을 찾으신다면야.... 으음.. 이곳으로 가시면 보실수 있습니다.
한글화 마무리 짓게.. 자 어여 부탁한것 내놓으세욧~~~ (시작한지는 무지 오래됬는데 언제 마무리 지을런지... )
캐릭터 능력들
Ace of Lizard : Dealer
Before each trick, the Dealer (the character, not the player
dealing the cards) may exchange his hand with another player, if the
other player agrees. Dealer cannot force an exchange.
Ace of Raven : Jiu-Jitsu
Once per game, Jiu-Jitsu may swap the rank of two cards in a trick, who are next to each in the rank order.
Example: Jiu-Jitsu stops the game and decides, that a nine beats a ten
in that trick. Or the nine of trump beats the jack of trump. Or the ten
of trump beats the queen of trump (As the jack of trump is ranked
higher, the queen and ten are next to each other in the rank order).
Ace of Hearts : Ultimo
If he wants to, Ultimo may take the last trick.
If the queen of stars (Gerechtigkeit) is using her power in that game,
he only gets his own card and the 5 points for the last trick.
Ace of Stars : Trumphator
After the cards have been dealt, Trumphator may reject the trump
suit determined by the face open card and make the card dealt second to
last determine the trump suit.
Trumphator may not look at the second card before deciding to use his power.
King (K) of Lizard : Computer
May add or subtract 5 points to his score at the end of the game.
King (K) of Raven : Räuber (Thief)
After the cards have been dealt, Räuber may steal the trump card
(the face open card dealt last). In return, he gives the dealer one
card from his hand. If the Räuber is the dealer for this game, he may
force the player having the six of trump in his hand to exchange it
with the face open trump card.
King (K) of Hearts : Voyeur (Peeping Tom)
May ask another player once per game to show him 5 cards from his hand.
The named player decides which 5 cards to show. If he has 5 or less cards at that time, he has to show all of them.
King (K) of Stars : Quizmaster
After each trick, the quizmaster may ask an opponent a question
about his cards, which he has to answer truthfully with yes or no. May
also disclose any information about his own hand that he wants to.
Queen (D) of Lizard : Feministin (Feminist)
May refuse to take a trick which contains both a queen and a king
or jack. If Feministin uses her power, the second highest card in that
trick wins the trick. She is not obligated to refuse such a trick, she
can take it if she wants to.
Queen (D) of Raven : Schüchterne (Shyness)
May refuse to lead a trick (once per game). Instead of leading
herself, she draws a card to be lead from another player's hand
(without looking at the hand or revealing the card). The other player
may refuse to lead that card, in which case she draws another card,
which then has to be played.
Queen (D) of Hearts : Teekränzchen (Tea party)
After every player has put down a card, Teekränzchen gets one card
each from both of the other players. She looks at the cards and give
both players a card back (it can be the same they gave her).
Queen (D) of Stars : Gerechtigkeit (Justice)
May declare justice once per game: for the next two tricks the
players get their cards back for scoring purposes (they do not go into
the players' hands again.) The highest card still leads the next trick.
If seven of stars (Jackpot) is using his power in this game, tricks
containing only lizard and raven cards do not add to the jackpot during
justice. Ten of hearts (Fürsorge) may only award the right to lead, not
the cards during justice.
Jack (B) of Lizard : Skater
May call Skat at any time during the game, which immediately
changes the rules in the following way: Trump cards can only be played,
if the player has no cards belonging to the suit being lead in his
hands and the tens rank between ace and king (they now beat kings,
queens, and non-trump jacks).
Skat is in effect for the remainder of that game and may not be reversed.
Jack (B) of Raven : Schwarzpeter (Old maid)
May call Schwarzpeter before the players put down their one card:
The player winning the trick containing the jack of raven loses and the
other players get a victory point each. If raven is the trump suit or
two or more players have six victory points, Schwarzpeter cannot be
called. The jack of raven must not be put down, if Schwarzpeter has
been called.
However, Match overrules Schwarzpeter: if a player gets all the tricks, he gets 2 victory points as usual.
Jack (B) of Hearts : Farbenfreund (Fond of Suits)
May ask for a certain suit to be lead twice during the game. If the
player who is leading doesn't have that suit, he doesn't need to comply.
Jack (B) of Stars : Scharfmacher (Agitator)
May declare a double trick once per game: Every player plays a
second card (which can legally be played at that time) on top of that
trick. The six cards count as one trick, the highest card takes it.
Ten of Lizard : Differenzler (Differentiator)
Before the first trick, Differenzler may guess the number of points
he is going to make in that game. If he takes at least one trick and
scores his number, he gets the two victory points, otherwise the game
counts as normal.
Ten of Raven : Fahnder (Cop)
If Fahnder has the lead, he can ask for a certain card once per
game. If a player has that card in his hand, he must play it in this
If the card has been played already or cannot legally be played in that
trick or has been put down, nothing happens. If the jack of raven
(Schwarzpeter) is using his power, Fahnder cannot ask for the jack of
Ten of Hearts : Fürsorge (Social Security)
May award any trick of 3 or less points to a person in need.
However, the Fürsorge decides herself, who is in need, which can be
Because of the 5 extra points, the last trick cannot be given away. If
seven of stars (Jackpot) is using his power in this game, the Fürsorge
only awards the right to lead, the trick goes into the jackpot. If the
seven of stars or hearts is in a trick with 3 or less points, Fürsorge
can give away the trick plus the jackpot.
Ten of Stars : Weisheit (Wisdom)
Weisheit can announce certain combinations of cards in her hand
before the first trick in order to receive bonus points for them. At
the end of the game, Weisheit can either add or subtract the bonus
points from her score. These are the points for combinations she may
40 points: 4 jacks
30 points: 4 nines
20 points: 5 cards of one suit in a row or 4 aces or 4 kings or 4 queens or 4 tens.
10 points: 4 cards of one suit in a row
4 points : 3 cards of one suit in a row or king and queen of the trump suit
Example: Weisheit announces "10" before the first trick and shows the 4
cards. After the game she may add or subtract the 10 points from her
Nine of Lizard : Laser
Draws the card the other players have to put down from their hands
(at random, without looking at their hands). If another player leads
the first trick, Laser draws the card he has to lead as well.
Nine of Raven : Radarkontrolle (Speed Limit)
Before the cards are put down, Radarkontrolle may adjust the limit,
which should not be reached (usually 100 points) to a an arbitrary
number between 80 and 120 points.
Nine of Hearts : Konsumentenschutz (Consumer Protection)
May reject a card once per game. The player whose card has been
rejected must play a different card in that trick. He can still play
the rejected card in a later trick.
Nine of Stars : Seher (Seer)
After the other two players have put their cards down, Seher may
look at them. He also waits until the first card has been lead before
he puts down his card.
Lizard 9 (Laser) does not draw a card from Seher, but does also not
reveal his face down card to him.
Eight of Lizard : Umwerter (Revalue)
After the cards have been put down, Umwerter may declare an arbitrary card to be the highest
or lowest card in that suit. However, he can only up- or downgrade cards, that are not in his possession.
Example: Umwerter upgrades the eight of hearts. For the duration of
this game, the rank order in hearts is 8-A-K-Q-J-10-9-7-6 or even
8-J-9-A-K-Q-10-7-6, if hearts is trump. The point values are not
Eight of Raven : Zombie
If Zombie uses his power, every player must pick up a card from the
last trick that they have previously won. If a player has not yet won a
trick, he has to pick up his face down card. Zombie can use his power
once per game and only, if at least two players have won tricks (Cards
won back due to the power of the queen of stars (Gerechtigkeit) count
as a trick).
Eight of Hearts : Excuse
May not follow suit once per game and say "Je m'excuse" to play a non-trump card with value 3 or less instead.
Eight of Stars : Taschenspieler (Cheater)
As long as he has 4 or more card still in his hand, Taschenspieler
may exchange a card from his hand with the card he put down in the
Seven of Lizard : Korrektor (Rejector)
May reject a trick once per game: every player takes his card back.
Korrektor may lead for the replay of that trick, if he wants to.
Seven of Raven : Fledderer (Grave Robber)
After the player have put their one card down, Fledderer may put
down a second card
and pick up the face down card of one other player (without looking at
it before). In return, the other player receives the second card
Fledderer put down. He may look at it, but not pick it up.
Seven of Hearts : Guggitaler
If Guggitaler uses his power, (which he must do before the first
trick is played, but after the cards have been put down), the game
changes as follows: The king of stars is worth 4 points, the hearts
cards 1 point each. All other cards are worth nothing. This means,
there are 13 points in the game. If a player gets all 13 points, but
not all the tricks (match), he loses (and the other two players get a
victory point each). Otherwise the players with the highest and lowest
score get a victory point each, as usual. If two players are tied, the
third player gets two victory points, as before. The King of Stars must
not be put down.
Guggitaler cancels the powers of the jack of raven (Schwarzpeter), king
of lizards (Computer) and nine of raven (Radarkontrolle). However, the
ten of lizards (Differenzler) still gets the victory points if his
"regular" score matches his prediction.
Seven of Stars : Jackpot
Before the players put their card down, Jackpot may declare
"Jackpot with seven of hearts" or "Jackpot with seven of stars": He
starts a jackpot with his face down card. All tricks consisting
entirely of
animal cards (lizard and/or raven) are not won by the player with the
highest card, they add to the jackpot. The player who wins the trick
containing the jackpot card (seven of hearts or seven of stars) gets
the whole jackpot.
The player winning the jackpot may not look at the face down card.
Hint: The jackpot can be kept small, if the jackpot card is played
early in the game.
Six of Lizard : Kompass (Compass)
May determine the direction of play before the first trick is played. Kompass can change the direction twice per game.
Six of Raven : Black Friday
May call black friday after the card has been put down: He chooses
a suit (other than raven), whose cards lose their values (but not their
rank order). The values are added to the respective raven card.
Example: Black Friday invalidates the stars with stars being trump.
Then the jack of raven is worth 22 points (2+20 from the jack of
trump), nine of raven counts 14 points, ace of raven (11+11) etc. All
stars cards count nothing. The game however doesn't change, the jack of
stars is still the highest trump.
Six of Hearts : Wünschelrute (Wishbone)
May ask for a specific card before the players put their card down.
However, the donor in return draws a random card out of Wünschelrute's
Six of Stars : Sphinx
May play a card face down up to two times per game. Sphinx must
tell who won that trick. The card is not revealed until the end. If
Sphinx leads a card face down, she must tell its suit. The Sphinx may
not lie about the suit or the winner of the trick.
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