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windos 2009. 4. 4. 11:27
아직 암시장 카드를 안만들었군요 -_-a

후다닥 손바봐야 겠습니다.

Black Market


Black Market allows you to Buy a card during the Action phase. You can use coins provided by other Action cards played earlier in the Action phase and you can also play Treasure cards from your hand to pay the cost of the bought card. The Treasure cards are played to the table in your play area, just as you would during the Buy phase. You may play more Treasure cards than are required for the purchase; the extra coins from Action cards and Treasure cards are available to use during your Buy phase. You may even play Treasure cards without Buying a card. You may not reuse coins already spent during a turn. A card bought during the Action phase does not count as a card bought in your Buy phase, so you do not need an action card giving you +1 Buy to still buy a card during your normal Buy phase.


To use the Black Market Kingdom card, you must create a Black Market deck before starting the game. The Black Market deck is made up of Kingdom cards that are not in the Supply of the current game. The players should agree before the game which cards will be used to create the Black Market deck (for example, you could agree to use one of every Kingdom card you own that is not a part of the Supply). It is recommended that the Black Market deck contain at least 15 Kingdom cards, with no duplicates. All players can see which cards are placed in the Black Market deck before the game begins.


Take one of each selected Kingdom card, shuffle them together, and place the deck face down on the table where all players can reach it. This deck is not a Supply pile and if it is emptied, it does not count towards the end game conditions.


If you play Black Market and the Black Market deck is empty, you cannot buy a card but you still get +2 Coins. If you play Black Market and choose not to buy one of the three cards from the Black Market deck, you still get +2 Coins.

암시장 카드가 사용되면 게임에서 사용되는 10가지의 왕국카드를 제외한 15가지 종류의 왕국카드 1장씩을 뽑아서 뒷면이 보이도록 암시장 덱을 만들어 두는거네요.

카드 기능은
암시장 덱의 맨 위 3 장 카드를 본 후. 그 중  1장을 바로 구매할 수 있다. 나머지 카드는 블랙 마켓 덱의 맨 밑에 아무 순서대로 넣는다.

가 되겠습니다. 하악~~~~